I am using R version 4.0, hence all my string columns are converted to character (chr) type.

With a newer version on R, you don’t have to use this argument as R by default considers character data as a string. When a column is in factor type, you can’t perform many string operations hence, to keep string columns as character type use stringsAsFactors=FALSE while reading a CSV file in R. If you are using an older version which is prior to R 4.0, all columns that have character string data are by default converted to factor types. Sometimes you would also be required to replace NA values with 0 on numeric columns on DataFrame. You can also replace an empty string with NA on the DataFrame. In the below example, I have used c(-1,'') to instruct read.csv() method to consider all -1 and empty strings as NA. If you notice our DataFrame result from the above outputs, you would see some missing values like an empty string on name, gender, and -1 unexpect value for id column.īy using na.strings argument, you can specify vector of values you would like to consider as NA. Usually, these missing data are represented as empty. When you are working with large or small files, you often get missing or unexpected data in certain cells of rows & columns. Once the data frame was created and to perform operations refer to R data frame tutorial for examples. In order to read a CSV file in R use its base function read.csv(), which loads the data from the CSV file into DataFrame. Read_csv = read.csv('/Users/admin/file_noheader.csv', encoding='utf-8')

Read_csv = read.csv('/Users/admin/file_noheader.csv', stringsAsFactors='FALSE') Read_csv = read.csv('/Users/admin/file_noheader.csv',header=FALSE)Ĭolnames(read_csv) = c('id','name','dob','gender')

Read_csv = read.csv('/Users/admin/file.csv',sep=',') Read_csv = read.csv('/Users/admin/file.csv') The following are quick examples of how to import a CSV in R by using the read.csv() function and its optional arguments.